Everything you need to know about this year’s Company reunion! Jack Werner along with Tom Schadegg have graciously agreed to host and be the boots on the ground for the reunion next year in Oklahoma City. The dates have been set for Thursday April 11th, 2024 to Saturday April 13th, 2024 (departing on Sunday) and will be held at the Springhill Suites by Marriott in Bricktown.
King room rates are $120 and queen rooms are $135. Room rates for the reunion are good for one day before and after. Click to Book your group rate for K Company 75th Ranger Regiment Association Telephone reservations are not accepted at the hotel. If you have trouble with the link or need us to make the reservation for you, please email Wayne at the email address below. Donations are being accepted to help to lower and hopefully eliminate any reunion costs. Email Wayne@k75ranger.com for instructions on how to donate.
Jack and Tom are working very hard to make this a very memorable time together. Please mark your calendars, save the date and start planning. We would like to get a preliminary head count. Please reply to Wayne@k75ranger.com to let us know if you will, won’t or aren’t sure about attending. Also email Wayne if you would like to have your name added to the email blast for further commo.