When we created the k75ranger.com & 4thdivlrrp.com websites in 2014, it was by “inheriting” the 2nd Brigade LRRP website that Mike Lapolla, Ron Coon and others originally put together. Their “sua sponte” effort to preserve history as the original LRRPs has led to the Rangers website, déjà vu! Once again they have “led the way”. Thank you to those for the work you did before us and the vision you gave us! We have added to this effort as we accomplish our mission of preserving our LRRP/Ranger history and honoring our fallen in perpetuity.
In addition to collaborating with Mike on the new website, we also reached out to our other former unit commanders, Rueben Siverling and Kim Olmstead. We asked each of them to write a Welcome letter, which we now are sharing with you.
We are fortunate to have captured this moment in time with the messages from some of our leaders below, given from their unique perspectives, to all of us who served as LRPPS and Rangers in the Central Highlands of Vietnam. We lost Kim Olmstead in January 2019 therefore his letter is published posthumously, with gratitude to his family for helping us achieve that.
We share a unique bond and are still gathering LRRP/Ranger history for our website. More of the former Brigade and Division LRRPs have begun contributing their histories. We look forward to sharing their messages and perspectives as the k75ranger.com & 4thdivlrrp.com websites grow and mature.