Special Memorials
Special Memorials are created to memorialize the event and the men who served or died on the mission.
This section is dedicated to the many experiences of our 4th Infantry Division LRRP / Rangers and others that rose to the level of extraordinary. Some are based on the heroics of the participants, others on the tragedy of the events. Some stories describe the bond of warfare between brothers while others try to relate the horror witnessed in war. Some harrowing missions produced unflappable confidence
While some seeming uneventful inspired terror. Yet others detail missions describing of one short period of time that changed the lives of those involved forever.
As the years pass and memories fade, each Ranger still carries those special memories or unique incidents destined to remain fresh in our minds – sometimes despite all efforts to forget. Each Ranger with a tale to tell or requesting help putting their “thoughts” to paper, is encouraged to add to this section – there are many stories remaining to be told.
Send your comments to info@k75ranger.com