4th I.D. Combined LRRP Units Rosters
The men on this roster are some of the bravest men that served in Vietnam. These men served on a volunteer basis for one or more of the special operation units of the 4th Infantry Division from 1966 to 1972. These units were Division LRRPS, LRPS, E/58, 1st Brigade, 2nd Brigade, 3rd Brigade LRRPs, Company K (Ranger), 75th Infantry (Airborne) and others. We have endeavored through all available means to provide as comprehensive and inclusive of a list as possible however have never located any list maintained by any unit during the Vietnam campaign.
There are no doubt many missing names, incomplete and inaccurate information which we hope you will assist us in completing. Please email info@k75ranger.com with correct or appropriate information and missing names but please be accurate.
The roster is alphabetical by last name. It can be searched by any means by utilizing the search box. Tip: When searching by name (if not scrolling) try only using a few letters. When searching by state, for example FL will not only give you all members from FL (Florida), it will also give you any name that has an FL in it, typing 2nd will return all 2nd Brigade LRRPs listed. So the search function is sensitive.