March 30, 1945 – March 1, 1987

Don was born in Springfield, MO on March 30, 1945 to Robert Lewis Webb (1923-2015) and Blanche Webb Born 16 Sep 1924. Don was blessed to have one sister, Kathy (Webb) Sissel, and two brothers Rick and J.R. Don lived his early years in Springfield, graduating from Springfield High School.
Don’s number came up and he was drafted on May 22, 1968. After completion of training and never being one to “settle” for mediocrity, he volunteered for the LRPs of 2nd Bde, 4th Infantry Division and soon found himself in the Central Highlands of Vietnam. His brother LRPs in Kontum found him to be a great team member, a loyal friend and consummate warrior. Time spent in a Ranger unit is always dangerous but the rewards of associating with such men outweigh all the risks. The memories and friendships built in that short time together are enough for most men to sustain the remainder of their lives once they return home. Whatever else they accomplish, or fail to accomplish, they have that wonderful time that others can only try to achieve. For some, it can be a curse of forever trying to re-acquire that same sense of accomplishment in ventures impossible to deliver. Don was discharged on May 22, 1970.
When Don came home, he joined the Peace Corps and unselfishly served in Ghana. While there he was married two different times, neither of the relationships lasting. Upon his return home, again, he tried his hand at being a fitness instructor in a Kansas City Hotel. For reasons we will never know, that did not work for him. One trait all Rangers seem to share is that we will risk our lives for anyone in need, all you need to do is ask – but we will never ask when we are in need.
On March 1st 1987, at 8:00 am, Don jumped to his death from an overpass onto busy Interstate 435 In Kansas City. It ended the life, at age 42, of a wonderful man and an honored friend, but his time while in Kontum insures he will always be remembered for the honor and way he served rather than the way he chose to leave us. Rangers would rather believe he just got inserted to a different A.O.
Don was buried in Rivermonte Memorial Gardens, Springfield, MO.