Francis “Frank” Joseph Mc Cann Jr., K/75 Ranger, KIA Apr 26, 1971

Francis “Frank” Joseph Mc Cann Jr.

SP4 – U.S. Army
B Co, 3rd Bn, 503rd Infantry, 173rd Abn Bde
2 August 1950 – 26 April 1971
Glenolden, Pennsylvania
Panel 03W, Line 13


Service:               Army (Regular)

Grade at loss:   E4

Rank:                     Specialist Four

MOS:                       11B2P: Infantryman (Airborne Qual)

ID Number:           189427508

Len Svc:               2 years

Unit:                     B CO, 3RD BN, 503RD INF, 173RD ABN BDE


Start Tour:         06/09/1970

Incident Date:   04/23/1971

Cas Date:             04/26/1971

Age at Loss:       20

Remains:               Body recovered

Casualty Type:   Non-hostile, died of illness or injury

Location:             Binh Dinh Province, South Vietnam.

Reason:                 Helicopter – noncrew – air loss or crash over land


St Peter and Paul Cemetery, Springfield, Pennsylvania

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Link to Remembrances:

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Tony   Eoppolo, 1901 Sycamore Street Wilmington DE 19805 – – Jan 31, 2009

Good Friend in Basic and AIT

Farewell My Friend – I will always remember the good times.

Frank, my old friend I just thought I would drop you a line. Remember all the good times we had in Basic Training at Fort Bragg with John Hogan, Jim Williams, and Dave Downing of Philly. Don’t forget Bill Giles of Colliingdale Pa. and of course Guy V. Fearn of Ohio. The best of times going through Basic. The raking of the sand in straight lines, red clay for dirt, old WW II barracks and some tuff Drill Sgts. They flat out told us that we were heading for Vietnam and we were. Don’t forget our chant in D-10-2, If we go to Polk we might take a boat, if we go to Nam, we don’t give a Dam…. How about that night in the cold freezing weather everybody chanting ‘Delta’s in The Sauce’. We almost had the same guys in AIT at Fort Jackson E-12-3 Best Around, Combat Ready, Vietnam Bound. Nothing but good times. Who could forget KILMER MOUSE. Nothing but good times and great memories. Say hi to Guy Fearn for me, he is up there with you watching over our new American Hero’s.

Best wishes to his family.