James Bruce “Jelly Belly” McLaughlin , 1st Bde LRRP 1968-69, KIA Apr 16, 1971

James Bruce “Jelly Belly” McLaughlin


From “Never Forgotten” by Mike Lapolla (4thdivrangers.com) –

James did a complete tour in the 1st. Bde. LRRPs 1968-69 he went home and for one reason or another he decided to come back. He didn`t return to he 4th Inf. Div but instead he went to the 101st Airborne Div. LRRPs. His second tour of duty started on Nov. 30-1970, and he was killed in action April 16-1971, by small arms fire. Anyone who knew Jelly Belly, knew that he was not your average LRRP, he had more courage than he should have, going from one wild firefight to another with hardly a deep breath in between. In the end his wild life caught up to him. Rest in peace old friend, we miss you.