September 9, 1950 – June 13, 2011
Stephen was born in the picturesque Town of Woodstock in Virginia’s Shenandoah County to Marvin Lee Wolfe (1918-1964) and Myrtle Virginia McCall Wolfe (1925-1986). Living in an area of such majestic beauty is not without cost, freedom is not free. At the onset of WWII, Steve’s father “paid the price” and enlisted in the US Army serving for the duration of the war. Upon his return, in 1944, he and Myrtle married and the family began to grow with brothers Marvin Wayne Wolfe (1947) and Nicholas F. Wolfe (1953). A sister, Deborah Katherine Wolfe (1951-1952) did not survive to see her first birthday. Steve’s parents divorced when he was six years old. Steve’s father, a painter by trade, died at the age of 46 after contracting pneumonia.
Shortly after high school, Steve went into the “family business” …. he enlisted in the US Army. He traded the beautiful Shenandoah Valley to serve as a Ranger patrolling the dangerous valleys of Kontum Province in the Central Highlands of Vietnam. “Wolfman” volunteered for K Co., 75th Rangers as a LRPP / Ranger. He began as a young team member on Ranger Team R-4 and rapidly proved himself to eventually become the Team Leader late in 1970. Steve is remembered as a fearless warrior while on missions and not afraid of having a bit of fun between missions. One of his team leaders, Roger Crunk, was to recall, many years later “Wolfman was on my team for a mission on the south side of the Mang Yang. We had to cross a deep fast-moving blue line on a mahogany log. He was tail gunner. He got halfway across, lost his balance and he was downstream so fast. Bruce Benson, California surfer boy and life guard had to swim like hell to catch him. We dragged him out and he proudly bragged that he still had his m-16…. Fun day that was!” He is remembered by his team mates with a respect earned by deeds, not words. Every silent step he made, each risk he took, and every mission he endured is the reason he is held in such high regard, even today, by men who are nearly impossible to impress. “Wolfman” was awarded his coveted Combat Infantryman’s Badge prior to returning to “the world”, earned by facing his nation’s enemies in combat. Additionally, Steve was presented with numerous other awards and decorations prior to his honorable discharge.
Brother Rangers who were in contact with Steve after he left the service report his life didn’t always run in a smooth straight course. There were many bumps along the way.
Upon leaving his 4 year military stint, he joined Margaret Ellen Ray Wolfe (1941-2001) in marriage and they were blessed to have a daughter Rachael Wolfe. After Margaret’s premature passing in 2001, Steve married Donna Jo Brooks Wolfe (1956-2011). It was a second marriage for both.

Stephen Fredric “Wolfman” Wolfe passed, of natural causes, at the age of 60 on Monday, June 13, 2011 at the Memorial Campus of Cemetery in Black Mountain, NC. It is unusual, but necessary and right that Donna Jo have her photo displayed on this Ranger memorial page alongside the “Wolfman” she loved so very much. His loving wife Donna Jo joined him in repose 4 days later at the age of 54 on June 17, 2011. Together, they were laid to eternal rest in the Western Carolina State Veterans Cemetary.

Rangers Lead the Way!